It's hard to believe that we've been in the Adirondacks for two weeks already. We're slowly realizing that we don't have to go home this time . .. we ARE home!
The winter beauty is breathtaking - over 3 feet of snow on the ground rolling in gentle drifts among the firs and giant waterfalls of ice cascading over the rocky cliffs. I find myself just standing and staring out of the windows. Not a great way to get things done! The locals are all ready for spring, but we are secretly hoping for a few more snows since we hardly had any winter in PA.
Our move went very smoothly except for the moment we turned into our new driveway! The drive was plowed but still narrow. Wayne swung the truck as wide as he could to head straight in but back wheels went up on the snow bank. For one hair-raising moment, we all thought the truck was going to roll. But all was well and arrived in one piece - except for one lamp.
Here are some pics from our move:

Our caravan all ready to roll early on Friday morning, March 14. The moving truck pulling Wayne's work car, Tyler Schock with our canoe on top pulling our camper, Josh and Amy in the van and the Schock family bringing up the rear. Our neighbors on both sides came out and waved us off.

OOPS - forgot where I packed the salad bowl. Our quick-thinking realtor, Judy, improvised by washing out a drawer from the refrigerator. Our salad tongs were two "leftover container" lids. It tasted terrific after our long drive.
After a little relaxing by the fire, we all went to bed about 1:30 am. Exhausted but happy to be in the Adirondacks at last!

Our very first Bed & Breakfast guests! Tyler and Kristen enjoyed a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon and pancakes with Adirondack maple syrup before hitting the road for PA.