Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter - Part 3

I still remember the chills that raced up and down my spine during the 1980 Olympics. The chant "USA USA USA" was deafening in the final moments as a team of college kids defeated the Russian hockey machine.
That memorable game... the "Miracle on Ice" took place in a little mountain village called Lake Placid. As a kid, I had no idea where Lake Placid was and certainly no idea that I would one day live a mere 20 miles from the scene of so much Olympic glory!

The Winter Olympics are here again and as we gather around our TV sets to cheer for our favorite athletes, Lake Placid feels a burst of pride. Thirty years have passed since our area hosted the 1980 Olympic games, but all of our venues are still fully operational and host world-class events throughout the year.

This past Saturday, Lake Placid relit the Olympic torch in a show of solidarity with Vancouver and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Lake Placid games. Our family drove up for the event and FROZE along with a few hundred others who came to witness the pageantry and pride. Here are a few of my favorite shots of the event.

We arrived at dusk and the torch looked beautiful and expectant against the sky.

Before long, we saw the torch approaching. Four of the original 1980 torch bearers took turns running the torch from the Olympic speed skating oval to the torch site.

And this was the moment where they almost torched the Olympic flag!

The flag bearer stood right beside me during the ceremony


My camera really stinks at night shots! But I guess you get the idea.

We were even treated to a brief fireworks display

The Olympic flame glowed beautifully against the night sky as we scurried back to the warmth of our van! We're proud to be part of such a great heritage here in the Lake Placid region.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter - Part 2

Over the past two weeks, we've watched with a mixture of ENVY and amusement as our friends and family in the "southern" states have been buried by record-breaking snowfall. Life for many screeched to a halt as they tried to figure out what to do with all of that white stuff!

Here in the North Country, we know what to do with SNOW! We don't believe in "snow days." Last year, our girls were shocked to discover that they still had to go to school in the middle of a white-out with a forecast of 16+ inches!

Although we haven't had much snow this winter, we are still living in a winter wonderland. Much of Wayne's work takes place in homes that border Lake Placid. Now that the lake is frozen, using the boats to get to work is impossible. But the work must go on...

I thought you'd enjoy a look at Wayne's winter "commute!"

We've all heard of "Park and Ride" locations. After the scenic drive to Lake Placid, Wayne and his co-workers "Park and Glide!" This trail is used by workers who snow shoe and ski their way out to the lake homes.

Isn't this just breaktaking?!

Each person carries a backpack with tools and supplies. Sometimes they pull sleds loaded with building equipment. What a great way to enjoy the beauty, get a good workout AND get paid for it!

After an invigorating 30 minute hike, the jobsite comes into view

Time for a good day's work

Then the beautiful trek back to the truck! Life is Good!