Is it possible? Could winter really be over? This nursery owner apparently has his doubts!

My calendar reminds me that on April 18, 1997, Keene Valley was dumped with 17 inches of Snow! But this year, it appears that we are indeed enjoying an early spring.
While the High Peaks still sport caps of snow and ice, here in the valley, the snow piles vanished several weeks ago. We even dodged the "mud season" bullet with only a day or two of mild muck. (If you missed the pictures of our driveway the past two springs, it's worth a visit to the archive!)

A string of beautiful 70 degree days coaxed our daffodils out of the ground much earlier than usual

Our first Easter Sunday in the Adirondacks, we awoke to zero degrees. This year was sunny and in the 70's! We enjoyed a ferry ride to Burlington, VT. This photo shows the ferry passing in front of the remaining section of the Crown Point bridge which was recently demolished.

Here's what the High Peaks look like from the Vermont side of Lake Champlain. We now have some friends in the Charlotte area. They tell us that they look across the lake and wave hello to us quite often!

Spring means BASEBALL! (Go Tribe!) CorrieAnne enjoys a game of catch with Dad in preparation for her baseball season.

Across the road, the swollen Ausable River rushes along providing an energetic sound track to our daily activities.

Still not completely trusting the weather, I've started a few herbs and plants in window containers. You can see the last pile of snow just outside the window.

Our friendly neighborhood waterfall has been released from it's winter freeze.

Wayne and our son, Christian, enjoyed an early spring hike to the top of Snow Mountain
We wish all of you a warm and healthy spring. Don't forget to take time to nurture your spirit with the beauty that surrounds you.