I'll admit ... I like those end of the year articles and TV shows where they pick the "25 Most Intriguing People" or the "Top Ten Moments in Sports" or the "Most Read Books of 2010." Something about the turning of a calendar inspires me to look back before I can fully look ahead.
I have shared a lot of our family moments throughout the year. If you missed them, feel free to visit the Archives and catch up on the action! For the end of the year, I thought I would create my own "Top Five" categories to share some of my favorite moments of the 2010.
Our new lamp post

The front porch received a fresh coat of paint ... transforming it from a minty fresh green (it was supposed to be sage green!) to a warm chocolatey brown which feels much more "Adirondacky."

Yard Cleanup is an ongoing chore when you live in the woods. Wayne and our friend, Wes, spent several days raking and hauling piles of leaves and pine needles.

When you live where the heating season is eight months long, nothing brings peace of mind quite like a beautifully stacked woodpile!
Lumberjack Day! Several large and potentially dangerous pines were removed from the property. I plan to write a whole blog post about that, but here's a sneak preview.
Wayne in his snowy glory at a lookout on Round Mountain
The waterfall just up the road turned into an icy wonder
Our rock garden looked especially lush and lovely this year
My favorite autumn photo ... leaves on the steps of the village church
Wait ... that doesn't look like the Adirondacks! It's La Jolla, CA!! (Stay tuned for another blog from our San Diego trip.)

Our girls are natural athletes (just like their mom! ha!).
CorrieAnne played softball and soccer this year.

Sodie won 2nd place in the state of New York at the Hershey Track and Field competition.

We enjoyed a visit from our "number one son," Christian, in early spring.

During our visit to San Diego, we spent time with Katie and her boyfriend, Deinno.

I just had to share this "TOP" moment. On Christmas morning, Sodie and CorrieAnne worked beautifully together to roll the "Mishler" muffins in cinnamon and sugar. It was sweet to see them sharing in this tradition ... and even sweeter to eat the muffins!

A human pretzel moment! I found CorrieAnne laying with her legs bent completely backward ... because it "felt good." "You should try it, Mom." Yeah.... I'd never walk again!

Sodie was very proud of her very first made-completely-from-scratch pizza!

I enjoyed attending a presentation by Linda Sue Park, a Newbery Award winning children's author. She is the one in black. The friendly look lady beside me is my dear friend, Karen, who also happens to be an awesome librarian! (I have no idea who the other woman is or why she is in our picture!)

SHAMU MOMENT!!! Ever since I was a pig-tailed little girl visiting Sea World in Ohio, I've wanted my very own stuffed Shamu. For some reason, I never got one ... until now! And when my 10-year old fell in love with a soft and very huggable BIG Shamu, I just had to say yes!

How many possible different poses can a 14-year-old strike as she snaps pictures of herself? I could do an entire blog of hundreds of Sodie faces! After finding our camera hijacked on numerous occasions, we bought her a camera for Christmas. This photo was taken about 30 seconds later ...

In April, we enjoyed a Mishler reunion at my sister, Cinda's home. A few people are missing, but it's still a pretty impressive looking gang!

Who can forget the family equine encounter?! This was definitely a Top Five moment due to bonding that takes place when you face your fear of controlling a 1500 lb creature!

In October, we enjoyed a week's visit with Wayne's parents. Here we are about to share a large pot of Zuppa Toscana ... when there is no Olive Garden within an hour's drive, you learn to improvise!

These are the family feet standing in the Pacific Ocean on Thanksgiving Day. It was a beautiful and memorable way to spend the holiday!

Our traditional Christmas Eve photo ... featuring our newest family member, Bella Noel.
Thank you for being a part of our lives during 2010.
We wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and joy-filled New Year!