We've had a beautiful fall foliage season here in the Adirondacks. Over the past three weeks, I've managed to sneak away for several drives and hikes with my trusty camera. Over 200 pictures later, here are a few of my favorites from the 2011 foliage season. Make yourself a cup of hot apple cider or hot chocolate, sit back and tour with me ...

First blaze of color appears at Chapel Pond

Roaring Brook Falls

The mountains are blushing a bit ...

Mystical majesty - the High Peaks

Autumn berries against the blue October sky

Cascade Lakes

And the other Cascade Lake

I'm in love with clouds these days - in fact, I'm thinking of doing a whole blog post on clouds

The most photographed barn in the ADK's - and no wonder with such a glorious backdrop

People we love enjoying a view we love

Sometimes you just have to sit and soak it in ... it's hard to leave a mountaintop

We enjoyed perfect weather for the Columbus Day weekend just as the leaves reached peak color here in Keene Valley

Some trees just outdo themselves!

Route 73 as seen from Owl's Head mountain in Keene

Golden pathway

Even the fading colors are lovely

If there were a "prettiest tree in the ADK's" contest, I think this one might win

Another view from Owls' Head

And I'll end with my favorite - I just can't believe the layers of color - even the blues on the distant mountain tops. I feel so blessed to live in this amazing place. I breathe in the beauty and give thanks to the master Artist!