This year, winter never showed up for the dance. And spring is acting like the belle of the ball, flinging sunshine and warm days and earthy fragrance around like a scandalous seduction.
Even though it's not quite mid-March, we're all falling under her spell ...
... the robins are chirping
... bear tracks have been spotted
... the kids in town are breaking out the shorts and flip-flops (some of them never put them away)
... even Wayne, who holds onto winter long beyond anyone else I know, has turned the corner and has the spring "bug." He actually took down the Christmas lights last weekend! He's stopped tracking the storms. He's talking about outdoor projects.
I am amazed.
After having survived the 100 year flood last spring and the 500 year flood last fall unscathed, we experienced our own version of flood near-disaster last Thursday. I was working in the dining room, listening to the snow melt and rain dripping from the eaves, when I realized that the gentle dripping had morphed into more of a surging river sound.
Upon investigation, I found a veritable flood pouring through an opening in our basement wall. I raced up the stairs to call Wayne, but by the time he got home, about an hour later, the water was almost 6 inches deep.
The next few hours were a whirlwind. Wayne, trying to chop a trench in the frozen ground. Me, trying to whip up a pot of White Chicken Chili for the 6th grade fundraiser. The girls, pacing around nervously as the clock ticked. Guests and friends speeding in our direction.
When the dust (err.... mud) settled the next day, we had been saved from true disaster by the help of our dear friends. One friend joined Wayne in the pouring rain to build a "dam" and divert the water. Two other friends loaned their sump pumps. And still another friend spent hours of his "vacation weekend" helping Wayne shovel out the mud and sort through the soggy boxes.
Thankfully, nothing of real value was lost and, on a brighter note, the basement is now neat and organized! (It was always on the "list," but suddenly jumped to top position.) Our guests never knew what happened ... yet another "behind the scenes" chapter at the peaceful B&B!
Now as the snow continues to melt and the rain falls, I get periodic, nervous phone calls from Wayne. "How's the basement?" He's rigged up a contraption to funnel any new flooding right into the pump ...
It "ain't purty," but just in case Spring is really here to stay, I think we're ready!
Now to see my first daffodil push through the ground ....