Thursday, August 14, 2008

Milestones and Memories

Today is exactly two months since our first paying guests arrived. In these last eight weeks, we've seen 44 guests and 17 friends and family pass through our doors! We have welcomed each one as "royalty" and have enjoyed preparing their rooms and creating an atmosphere where they could relax and reconnect with the people and things they love. In addition, we have experienced some wonderful moments learning to know and to love our small town and its people.

Here are some of our favorite memories from the past two months:

* The first time I pulled in the driveway and saw strangers sitting on the porch - exciting but weird!

* Our first "walk-ins" - only a half hour after we put up our new sign

* Getting the first reservation check in the mail!!!

* Cotton candy that the girls can eat! No artificial colors in this candy. . . it's pure spun maple sugar!

* The first time we had to tell someone "Sorry, we're full."

* Our first kitchen crisis - we ran out of maple syrup!!

* Getting to know our summer neighbors The girls have loved playing with Jake and Annie on their "homemade" see saw.

* Meeting guests from all over the world - we've now hosted people from Switzerland, Canada and Holland as well as Americans who were born in Russia, Germany, Belize and Puerto Rico. Just yesterday, our website had hits from Mongolia, Canada, France, Israel, Australia, Switzerland and Spain!

* Critters and creatures of the woods. These little salamanders appear after it rains . . . which has been just about every day.

* The first "they-didn't-cover-this-in-the-B&B-book" moment - guests got into a 45 minute fight at the breakfast table!

* Saturday night campfires - we got to introduce a family from Holland to their first S'mores

* Simple pleasures like a line full fresh-smelling laundry

* Hearing our guests' stories of their adventures from climbing Mt Marcy to a four-day canoe trip

* Family adventures like hiking to Roaring Brook Falls

* The first "Mama-said-there'd-be-days-like-this" day - a toilet broke while Wayne was at work, we found pen marks on one of our $200 comforters, a guest tried to open their window and the air conditioner fell out and we learned that our van needs $1000 of repairs. Ugh!

* The "secret" swimming hole. There's nothing as exhiliarating as a jump into an ice-cold mountain river!!

* The cool summer temperatures - we haven't hit 90 degrees yet!!

* Sharing the beauty of our new world with people we love . . . this is our friend, Josh, having a "mountain top" experience!

Thank you to all of you who have encouraged and prayed for us on this journey. Our adventure is still in the infant stages, but we are blessed and grateful.

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