As I write, I am surrounded by the soothing sounds of a beautiful summer rain on one of those perfect rainy Sunday afternoons that gives you an unspoken permission to take cuddle with a kitten, to curl up with a good book, to nap in a hammock (under the porch roof!), to call a friend, to bake cookies ... or perhaps, to blog!
This rainy afternoon reminds me of a very special guest who stayed at our B&B a few weeks ago. Peter and his wife arrived with plans to hike .... but down came the rains! So Peter proposed a very creative Plan B.
Peter is an artist, specializing in landscape and portraiture. Earlier, he had spotted our two daughters and his artist's eye admired their "beautiful bone structures." (I just knew those girls were beautiful!) He asked if the girls would mind sitting for portraits!
If you know my girls ... and many of you do ... you won't be surprised to hear that we had one very excited young lady and one who said, "NO WAY!" (I'll let you figure out who was who!)
Peter set up his easel on the front porch and while the rain dripped melodiously from the eaves (you can actually SEE the rain dripping from the eaves just above Sodie's head!), he began....
Very nice. Thank you for sharing. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. Sodie and Corrie are beautiful young ladies. Keep up the good work :)
Wesley G.
Wow! What a splendid gift and memory!
They're beautiful girls! The pictures are lovely.
Denise C.
What a wonderful keepsake! Love your blog. Helen & Dave
Awesome! I am always impressed when the creative gifts flow so naturally from people.
Thanks for sharing,
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