As one of my friends put it, "The river has gone mad!"
Thankfully, the Snow Goose experienced NO damage. Seriously! We didn't even have a TWIG that need picked up afterward. It's like we were in a bubble with devastation on all sides. Roads washed out, mountain mudslides, huge trees blown down, homes and businesses flooded....
When you're in the middle of a storm, you really have no idea what's happening outside your home. You do what you have to do, but the whole time, you're wondering how your friends up the road are faring.
We had guests from Singapore and NYC as well as other guests on the way. As conditions worsened, the Keene Valley Fire Department phoned to tell us to keep everyone IN the inn. At one point, all roads were closed around us! Our guests who were enroute ended up spending the night at one of our "sister" inns in Elizabethtown! (Thank you Ron and Gail!)
Wayne ventured out to check on our elderly neighbor who lives next to Deer Brook. This is what the bridge looked like!
It was obvious that he wasn't getting out! Wayne helped him and his cat hike down through the woods to our house where they spent the night.
Meanwhile back at the ranch ....
Folks were getting hungry! Since no one was allowed to leave, the Snow Goose had to open a restaurant for the evening. Thankfully, our kitchen was fairly well stocked and the power stayed on so we could cook!!
The next morning, we awoke to a changed world. After serving breakfast, we headed out to see what had happened to our town.

The Keene fire department lost half of their building to the savage flood. Meanwhile, the brave men and women from both Keene and Keene Valley's fire departments worked feverishly to rescue people trapped in flooded homes ... some from their rooftops!
While these scenes in the two towns are sobering, perhaps the most devasting economic damage lies to the east of us ...
These photos are taken about 1 1/2 miles east of the driveway of the Snow Goose!
As you can see, we ain't goin' nowhere in that direction!
I do ask for your prayers for Keene and Keene Valley as well as neighboring towns of Jay and Ausable Forks. Not only do we have a huge mess to clean up, but we also face economic uncertainty in the weeks ahead. With limited access to the area and many popular hiking trails closed due to extensive damage, we may have cancellations resulting in lost income when we need it most.
We are hoping that people who've made reservations will realize how much their planned visits will bless this hard-hit area. There are still many ways to enjoy this beautiful part of the Adirondacks which we are so privileged to call home.
Thank you for all of your prayers, notes and even phone calls (one from Toronto!) to check on us. We are doing great and looking forward to a productive and abundant September and October. Blessings!!