Now, I live in a tourist town and I have a whole new perspective. Here, the word "season" doesn't refer to Summer, Fall, Winter,or Spring. It's more a term of "On" or "Off." It's a feeling of "Full" or "Empty." It's the difference between "Excited" and "Exhausted."
When you live in a tourist town, you find yourself initiated into a special comaraderie that exists among the inn-keepers,restaurant owners, shop-keepers and town folk. We share a bond that's hard to explain ... but let me try:
May - A sense of anticipation begins to build. People take down their Christmas decorations (no kidding!) and begin to freshen their businesses with paint, new windows, etc. Concerts, lectures and bazaars are planned. We feel anxious for the flow to begin.
June - As soon as the black flies leave, the line of traffic begins to wind its way through the mountains. Here they come! Summer homes and camps are reopened. Tourists arrive sporting new hiking shoes, cameras, maps and excitement. We (the locals)greet one another on the sidewalk with excited comments like "Here we go" and not-so-jokingly, "See you in the fall!"
July - Keene Valley is booming! Cars with varied license plates line both sides of main street. Families picnic and swim by the river. Hungry hikers eat on the decks of every restaurant in town. All of the inns are full. Cash registers ring in the shops. The town is energized and smiling.
August - is an animal all of its own! We're still smiling (most of the time), but our eyes look a bit glazed. We wonder how our friends are doing. We wonder who is knocking on our door at 10pm. We wonder what day of the week it is. We glance more often at the calendar. Just a few more weeks ... We can do it ... The end is in sight ... We dream of our own vacations as we fall into bed each night!
Here at the Snow Goose, we've had an amazing summer with all three rooms filled almost every night. This means that my washer and dryer and dishwasher run almost 24 hours a day. The dishes, the sheets, the towels just keep coming and coming and coming!! In fact, I'm reminded of a scene from a Seinfeld episode:
I'm not to the point of shooting anyone, but if one more person tracks dirt on one more rug ... just kidding! Sort of!
But THIS August, I have had an epiphany! I have NO idea why it took me FOUR "seasons" to think of this. Seriously! It really should be the first thing that they tell you in those "How to Run a B&B" books ...
... it really could save a life. Or two. Or three. In August, especially!
It looks simple, doesn't it! But that little sign is one of the most beautiful, powerful, hopeful sights I've seen in a long time! It can turn my whole day into a big smile!
If you ever open a Bed and Breakfast, make yourself one for every room - on the first day!
Oh ... and the next time you visit a tourist town in August, be really nice to every waitress, cashier, cleaning woman and lifeguard you meet. They probably haven't sat down for more than 15 minutes in months ... all so that you can stroll down that sidewalk licking your ice cream cone, swinging your shopping bag, savoring your delicous meal and your peaceful hours of reading. These people are the ones who make your vacation happen!
Give them a smile ... a hug(ok - maybe not!) ... a generous tip ... and once in awhile, hang out your "No Room Care Needed Today" sign! Trust me, they'll love you and give you an extra large muffin the next morning!
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