There's something about the late afternoon light
reflecting from the chasm
where death came swiftly
to so many who began their day
that day
as I begin too many days ...
There's something about trying to explain
to a child
who was only 7 months old
how we awoke in one world
and fell asleep that night
in another --
how evil can create hatred
toward innocent people who live and love
and work and play
There's something about row upon row
of names
with light shining through -
tracing the letters with your finger
and wondering what brought them
to that place
instead of you
There's something about hope rising
shining and strong
daring to stand tall again
against a blue sky
There's something about the courage
that dares to rise
beyond any other building on the horizon
as if to say
"We're still here
and we will live and love
and work and play
There's something about hope standing in a harbor
Holding high the flame of freedom
Welcoming, promising, caring
for the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
There's something about BEING FREE
on a beautiful spring day
to stroll with your family
to wonder, to learn, to imagine ....
What it must have been like to arrive
with little more than the clothes you wore,
not sure if you would pass the test,
not sure if you would have the chance
to be all that you knew you could be
in this new place
There's something about imagining
that perhaps my own grandmother
or yours
slept on this cot swinging gently from its chains
or maybe
she lay awake
listening to the snoring
and the quiet turning
of the others restless
with the burden of unspoken dreams and fears
There's something about standing in this great hall
surrounded by the echoes
of so many who began their life of freedom here.
Who entered through this gateway
to the land I call my home.
There's something about all of these things...
that lifts my eyes beyond
the things I complain about
and the politicians I will vote for or against
and the still-unrealized dreams I hold
to a place
where I am humbled
by the memory
of all who sacrificed
to give and to preserve
this precious freedom.
All I can say
"Thank You."