Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Worlds

I"ll admit .... as a bit of a "girly-girl,"  I do love my coffee shops, facials and massages, strolls along the beach and hammocks.   But over the past few years, I've expanded my experiences into camping, hiking, horseback riding, painting (as in walls and windows) and keeping the home fires burning with splintery hunks of former trees.

Last weekend, my daughter, Katie, got married (blog post to come, I promise) and in celebration, I treated myself to a French manicure.  I'm pretty sure it's been close to a decade since I had one and  I must say, "It was stunning!"

But I also must say that I had a giggle a few days later while wrangling a stubborn log onto the early morning fire ...

Right here ... right in this picture ... are my two worlds!   I am a "girl" who loves the wild, wonderful Adirondacks! 

I'm proud to say that I can still stoke a mean fire ... even with a French manicure.  Hear, hear for all  girly Adirondack women!!  I know you're out there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post! Maybe the next time you can get a perspective from Wayne on being a manly man... :)
Blessings on your journey,