So here are my top ten "little" things I love about my house (in random order):
1. The kitchen cupboards have drawers that roll out - no more standing on my head to find pots and pans!!
2. The washing machine is HUGE. I can wash the entire family's darks or lights in one load. (This will be great when I'm washing guest linens.)
3. I can't see myself in the bathroom mirror without standing on my tip-toes. At first, I grumbled about this . . . but now I'm realizing that I'm going to have AWESOME calves!
4. There is a clothesline on the side porch . . .and while I'm on the subject, I love the FOUR porches. Can't wait to hang a hammock and set out some Adirondack chairs. Peach tea anyone?
5. We have an antique clawfoot tub in our bathroom - great for soaking - and a shower!!! (It only took twenty-two years of married life to get a working shower!)
6. We have a mud room . . . finally, a place for all the dirty boots and sneakers.
7. There is an island in the kitchen. I feel like Rachel Ray as I chop and mix!

8. When I stick my head inside the corner cabinet, it smells like my Grandma Drennen's house.
9. I can lay in bed and watch the woods wake up as the morning sun filters down through the firs. (It's hard to wake up grumpy when the first thing you see each morning is so lovely.)
10. Once I wrestle the heavy wooden windows up and carefully position the old-fashioned screens (haven't lost one yet!), I can hear the Ausable River burbling and bubbling from across the road.
11. OK - just one more. When God was handing out the stars, His bucket slipped and dumped several million right over The Snow Goose. AAHHH!!
Life is good!
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