We arrived to about 3 feet of snow on the ground. The locals tell us that they had no big storms this year - just a lot of little ones. Since the temperatures stay cold, the snow never melts. Just keeps stacking higher and higher. This is a win-win since the roads stay bare, but the countryside is covered in a beautiful blanket of white. As Wayne says, "This is how winter was meant to be!"
Here are a few snowy pictures of our property. Enjoy!
Wayne in his glory . . . no one had cleared the porch roofs all winter so he decided to shovel some of it off. The last thing we need is a roof collapse!
This is Wayne's barn and I have to admit, as barns go, it's really cool. It has two floors in it - perfect for an office, bunkhouse for Expeditions and maybe even a cow. (Wayne keeps threatening!)
When I first walked around our barn and saw this scene, I literally gasped! It is a frozen waterfall cascading over a huge rock wall (perfect for summertime rapelling for those of you who like that kind of thing!). There is no way to adequately capture it - at least with our camera - but I thought I'd try.
This is the view from all of the windows on the back side of the house - the kitchen, the library, our bathroom and CorrieAnne's bedroom. Can you see why it's hard to get anything done?!
When you come to visit (hint, hint), you too can enjoy this wonderful view from all three of our guest rooms!

One late afternoon, I went out on the side porch to get firewood. I picked up a few logs, turned to go into the house and . . . wow! Standing only about 20 feet away was a beautiful doe. I said, "Why hello there!" She just kept watching me, completely unafraid. I stood there until I got too cold. I went back in the house and she went on with her business.

Almost every evening, between 4 and 5 pm, two doe come out of the woods in front of our house and spend 20 minutes or so nibbling on the bushes along our driveway. It is fun to watch them - probably won't be so fun when they're nibbling on our garden this summer!
Your dreams come true! The pictures of the house, barn, waterfall, and deer are wonderful! It is all so beautiful. Can't wait to see your pictures of the wildflowers! Look for some on the cliffs too, little breeches.
Denise and Keith
Wow... absolutely beautiful. I'm so jealous. :) Sounds like you guys are off to a great start at your new home.
God bless,
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