I thought you might like to see the progress that we've made on our first guest room.

Here are the "before" pictures. As you can see, it looks decidedly un-Adirondack! Could be a nice little condo in Anytown, USA.
So we began with Wayne's favorite part . . .

. . . the tearing things apart part!
The first thing to go was the carpet. (We'll probably use it in one of the girls' bedrooms or maybe our personal living room on the third floor.) Under the carpet, a wide plank floor in pretty good shape and about 10,000 carpet staples

While Wayne pulled carpet staples,
I began the daunting task of picking paint colors. Did you know that there are about 10,000 different shades of beige?
After agonizing over the paint colors, I called to order them from McDonough's Valley Hardware here in Keene Valley. We were having guests for dinner and I realized that I couldn't make to the store before they closed. No problem! David cheerfully told me he'd leave the can outside the back door and I could pay him next time I came to town. Oh the joy of a small town!
Paint in hand, it was time for . . .

The first BRUSH STROKE!!
So . . . what does our room look like now?

Why look at all that progress! The appliances are all over the room, the carpet AND linoleum are history, the toilet has taken up residence in the tub . . . but hey - the walls are no longer white!

Eleven days till our first guests arrive! (Getting nervous yet, Mark and Deb?) I'll keep you posted . . .
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