Enjoy the creativity!

The firetrucks were followed by the moutain rescue squad. I truly hope I never need their excellent skills!
Bet your Memorial Day parade didn't have one of these! We're talking some serious snow removal equipment here - look at the height of the plow compared to the people on the sidewalk!
This is Rob Hastings, the owner of Rivermede Farm - an organic farm that has been operating in Keene Valley for over 100 years.
This float represented the Maple Sugar traditions of the Adirondacks. There's nothing quite like fresh maple syrup on your waffles!
And here comes the church choir singing patriotic hymns
McDonough's Hardware Store - what would we do without them? Selling paint, toenail clippers, picture frames, bird houses, socks, flower seeds, plumbing supplies, cookware, decorations . . . they are as close to an old-time general store as I've ever seen.
This lovely creature usually resides in the school entry, but he was allowed out to participate in the parade. (Does this remind you of any recent blog posts?!)
And just in case you didn't see enough beavers lately . . . here's the Beaver Bus
Complete with a tail!
Every parade needs some candy-throwing nuns! I loved how they yelled "Blessings on you" right before they pelted you with candy!
Keene Valley is a year-round outdoor town and the Mountaineer is the place to stock up on gear. This float, compete with marshmallow roasting, gave me the itch to go camping.
And yes . . . there was even a marching band! I can't tell you where they were from because they weren't carring a sign, but they sounded good.
The parade closed with three guys on bikes. Each one had a sign taped to the front of his bike - from left to right, they read: "That's All Folks!" I didn't get a picture because I was laughing too hard.
We had a great time at the parade. Hope you enjoyed it too.
Oh man. This is way to cool. Thanks
Supper Place!!!!!!!!! It was great being the first guest to stay at the Snow Goose. Amy and Wayne are two great poeple and with two great daughters. It is Pa.'s lost and N.Y.'s gain for such a loving family.
The room was very warm and inviting. The breakfast was yummmmmm yummmmmm! The best part is the Hoss and Hostess. Don't leave without hearing Amy's stories about the house.
There is so much to see and do up that way that we are planning to get back there as soon as we can. Mark enjoyed the hike and I enjoyed shopping in Lake Placid. Trust me when I say no pictures do it justice. Take a camera anyways. We are sure anyone that goes there will have a great time.
Mark & Deb
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