Anyone who knows Wayne knows that weather (particularly SNOWY weather) is a passion of his! This man checks the weather forecast and radar maps before he even eats breakfast! During two "mild" winters (very relatively speaking) here in NY, he watched from afar as friends in Philadelphia and DC got hammered with snowstorm after snowstorm. I have to say ... he kept his cool.
"I know the statistics" he said. "It'll be our turn soon."
Well .... he's a happy camper this winter. According to his calculations, 2011 is now officially the snowiest winter of his entire life!
Let me show you what's been happening here in the North Country.

(Wait a minute ... that doesn't look like winter!) This is the ROCK - an obviously unmoveable object in our back yard that we have decided to decorate. This is what the Rock looks like in the summer.

This is what the Rock looks like now! Wayne uses the Rock as his measuring stick. Winter can't end until it's covered. Now that it's covered, he's happy. Now he can welcome spring ... whenever that may be.

Just to give you some perspective ... this is a view from another of my kitchen windows. The snowbank you see is about 12 feet high and it truly does cover more than half of my window. The big chunk you see in the foreground is a massive icicle that Wayne chopped off. It speared the snowbank with a hearty thud. It's a good idea to chop them off before they fall on someone's head!

This lovely picture was taken by our friend, Danel, during her visit. While she and her husband were here, we received 26 inches of snow, bringing the yearly total (so far) to 115 inches. Following that storm, we had between 3 1/2 and 4 feet of snow on the ground.

This is what our guests see when they walk up our front steps. The snowbanks are about 7 feet high on either side! As you can see, our lamppost is almost buried!

Not only does Wayne get to shovel and plow to his heart's content here at the Snow Goose. He gets to do it all day at work too! His trusty truck and plow are ready for a day's work...
There is a house back there somewhere and the people who've rented it for the weekend would probably like to be able to get to it.

The view from the cab of the truck ... that's a LOT of snow to move!

After several hours, the job is done ... on to the next house!
Yes, that's a chainsaw! The snow and ice on this deck were rock hard so Wayne pulled out the big guns!

Wayne has truly moved TONS of snow this winter. And just because it's mid-March doesn't mean we won't get hammered again. Sometimes the man's smile is weary, but it's still there!
For a snow lover, it's been a wonderful winter!
Wow, that is more snow that I ever hope to see at one time!!!
Ahh the beauty of the seasons. It was a very good winter in the North Country. Nice blogging. :)
SNOW is an amazing cover up for the beauty of Spring.
Love it! It is a good winter and it will continue, just as soon as thios warm snap is over.
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