Snow is falling thick and lovely outside my windows today so it seems like a perfect time to share some photos from our first family XC outing.
For those of you who live in balmy, palm-treed lands, XC does not stand for cross-stitching ... although I've been known to do that too. XC is the abbreviation for Cross-Country Skiing - a winter sport during which you strap a long skinny thing to each foot and attempt to move across the countryside. In my case, without slipping/sliding/or other scary sensations (see previous post!).

We decided to begin our ski careers at the
Cascade XC Ski Center. Located only 20 minutes from our home, Cascade offers everything a novice skiier needs. Like skis, boots, poles, groomed trails ...
... and nice people who don't laugh at you. (This one is more important than you may think!)

Still ... I felt a little trepidation while entering the door.

A "groomed" trail means that someone has cleared the path from sticks, stones and other things that may break your bones. Grooming also refers to those two beautiful grooves that you see. They are a life-saver for someone whose legs have a tendency to go in opposite directions.

No trails for me yet. I have signed up for a lesson - which means that I must spend a humiliating hour shuffling back and forth in some of those lovely grooves. Right outside the ski shop where all of the obviously professional skiiers can see me! (I know they were all professionals because their ski suits matched and their noses weren't running.)
You will notice that I do not have any ski poles in my hands. This is because my very kind and patient teacher, Terry, took them away from me. He figured out that I was leaning on them (uh ... yeah ... with all my might!) and that if he didn't intervene, he'd be stuck instructing me for years to come. According to him, I wasn't actually skiing ... I was "snow walking."
I was just happy to be upright!

Terry finally gave up on me and left to take another student out on the "real" trails. I saw the opportunity for escape. While he was gone, I hit the "real" trails too! (After reclaiming my leaning ... err ... I mean ... ski poles.

I may not have been really skiing ... but I WAS moving across the countryside. And it was stunningly beautiful. Look at the size of those pines!

I think I did pretty well for someone with a fear of sliding! Especially since sliding is what skiing is all about! I even "glided" a few times!
But enough about me ... I know that you're wondering about the rest of the family!!
We encountered a lovely little knoll that promised some downhill adventure. I wasn't interested in downhill adventure, so I stood at the bottom with the camera. Let's see how they did....

First down the hill is Sodie. What lovely form and impressive speed! Only one thing she hadn't learned yet ...

How to STOP!

Next came Wayne ... leaning back a little too far on his skis. (It's easy to spot these common mistakes when you're standing at the bottom of the hill carefully propped up on your leaning poles.)


CorrieAnne crouched and courageous ...

Until her feet got ahead of her. I hate when that happens!
That darn hill! Proved to be a challenge for everyone... even our very talented friend, Wesley!

First the belly-flop

Then the butt plop

Then a little ballet maneuver

At least he was still smiling at the end ... and yes, he did give me permission to share these pictures! He's a good sport!

All in all, our first ski adventure was a blast! XC makes a great family outing. I encourage you to try it!! Even better, come to visit us and we'll take you out for a spin. Come on ... it would make a great blog post!! You know it would!!
1 comment:
Hi Amy,
I was just wondering were to go for a winter vacation now I know were I'm
Tell Wayne and Wes I'm on my way all I did is skis for my
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