Three years ago, as we prepared to open for business, we faced the dilemma of "the blue room." While it didn't blend with any of the rest of our decor, it was usable ... so we put in my mom and dad's old bedroom set and began to rent the room. We named it "Passages" to represent that the room would eventually be making a "passage" from one state (blue-floweredness) to another (awesomeness).

Here is the way the room has looked for hundreds of guests .... but the time has come to make the passage!!

In every project, there comes a moment of no return. This was that moment - rich with the excitement of what will be.

Or maybe it was
THIS moment when we stood back and faced the reality of what must come first ... lots of hard work!

Hmmm ... how to turn the corner without knocking out a wall or breaking the chandelier?

Drywall covers a multitude of sins ... even blue flowered wallpaper!
"I know there's a stud in there SOMEWHERE!" Oh the joys of renovating a home built before the days of 16 inch centers!
It's always good to have a helping hand from a friend ...
All of the drywall is now hung. It's time to apply the mud - one coat each night after work.
Speaking of mud ... it's that time of year again ... and this is our parking area! Since the mud is the only visible sign so far that spring is coming, I won't complain ... too much!
1 comment:
So if not blue............what color?
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