Today is the last day of Spring Break ... otherwise known as "Half of the North Country Heads South" week. This is the week that we all dream of during the long days of winter. This is the week where we leave the icy muck and mud for warm breezes and days of leisure ....
This is where I spent my Spring Break ....

Ok... not really. We weren't quite able to afford palatial quality beach life, so we stayed here ...

It was lovely .... walking down those wooden steps right onto the warm sand ...
You still don't believe me?
Ok ....

I spent my Spring Break here ... swinging blissfully in the breeze while sipping a ....
Sigh ....
A girl can dream, can't she?! In reality, my Spring Break can be summarized neatly in one photo:

Ok ... maybe two photos ...

For there were two colors in my life this past week.
You see, Wayne is rather absorbed with the renovation of Passages leaving little hope that my diningroom windows would be painted anytime soon. Having fallen in love with some new curtains and just not being able to hang them over cracked, dingy, peeling paint, I was forced to take matters into my own hands ....

All went well ...

Until I had to paint almost upside down. I got a little dizzy....
By the way, ignore the horrible clashiness of the two green paint colors. The bright outside green will be painted over with a lovely coordinating green. Really, it will. In some lifetime!

Wayne was so impressed by the fervor with which I was painting the windows, that he felt inspired to put a second coat of paint on the diningroom walls. (The first coat had been applied about 2 1/2 years ago!) I didn't argue ... even though it meant that my diningroom table looked like this:

In a moment of panic, I saw a car pull in the driveway. I smoothed my hair and hoped I didn't have paint on my face as a smartly dressed young couple approached. Their eyes grew large when they saw my diningroom table. I had to explain! Hopefully they'll return.

By the end of the weeek ... freshly painted windows, freshly painted walls and lovely new pine-cone curtains. Life is good!
Meanwhile ....
When you renovate a room, all of the things that previously resided in that room have to go elsewhere. This creates a problem ...

This is the upstairs hallway. The same hallway that leads to our other "un-renovated" guest room. I guess it was a good thing that we didn't have guests until the weekend!

I love the moment when the first swaths of paint begin transforming a room.

On a side note, don't you just love paint color names? For example, Wesley is slathering our ceiling with ... Mayonnaise! I wish it were some exotic name like "ocean spray" or "moon dust," but it's not. Good old "Mayonnaise." Would you like some bologna and cheese with that?

The room is painted and ready for the next round ... which apparently involves turning the space into a wood-working shop. (No ... the walls are not really yellow. It's just the lighting ... or the camera setting ... or something. I would never paint my walls yellow!)

Ever the multi-tasker, Wayne has decided to begin transforming the bathroom at the same time. Here he kneels in the "old" bathroom ... pondering. He does this a lot. His ponderings are usually followed by a brainstorm that results in a even more work!

And here Wayne kneels in the same bathroom ... mere hours later. When I think that this room is rented to some poor unsuspecting couple in a mere 5 weeks, I feel afraid. Very afraid!
* * * *
After a very productive (or destructive - depending on how you look at it) week, we all cleaned up yesterday and celebrated Easter. First, we attended a great service at the local community church. Then we enjoyed a lovely brunch in Lake Placid.

Lest you think it was warm ... we put our jackets back on as soon as the picture was taken! But it was a beautiful day and a great ending to our Spring Break. At least we were standing on grass and not snow!!
The imagination can be good place to take a Spring break. Had not thought of that before.
Thanks for the update, glad to see you still smiling.
It must run in the family. Dave does a lot of pondering, too, and always makes more work & money. The rushing water reminds too much of our vac in Newfoundland!
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